I know that it's been a little while. Life's been busy. I blame school and all other school related things. I just starting having free time this past weekend where I didn't really do anything. It was pretty amazing.
So I got this kick early last week, and by kick I do mean motivational kick. This semester I have had a variety of things that have motivated me to do better, like opera auditions (that was an experience to learn and grow from), master classes from a few different professional (working) musicians, an inspirational movie ("Every Little Step" - buy it now!), and some great performances (youtube Sarah Jane McMahon and Brad Benoit -both of whom are Loyola grads [represent!]). So all of these motivational moments have kicked in at the right moments after the previous one has worn off. Thankfully none have completely worn off. What am I motivated for? I am motivated to be the lead in a Loyola opera, to be one of my voice teacher's star students, and to be the best fucking Tenor at Loyola University of New Orleans or the best Loyola has ever seen. A combination of any of these would be great, but I'm aiming for it all.
I just recently started sketching again. I have sketched only a couple times in my life, and they weren't bad. I'm finding this helps me chill after a long day. I kind of want to make it a regular hobby because outside of singing, school, and friends, what do I do? Not much. So I'm adding sketching to the list. Here are the 2 that I've done this week so far. I can't sketch from my imagination, so I sketch pictures, objects, or scenes. I'll post the pictures I modeled the sketches from, too. My sketches are mirrored from the original because of the camera on my computer. I'm not backwards, I promise. Feel free to comment. I'm open to hear what you think. Here they are:

That's all for now, blog. More to come later.
This is Kristin Chenoweth singing "Glitter and Be Gay" from the 2005 "Live on Broadway" production of Candide. This also features a little cameo of Patti LuPone in the beginning. I just want you to know that although she makes this so easy, this is one of the hardest arias a soprano/coloratura can sing. Kristin know how to make it look easy and make it look good. That is real talent. Enjoy!
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