Saturday, March 28, 2009

Do you know...

You know that moment in time when you see someone you haven't seen in a while and feelings kind of rush back to you? Don't you kind of hate that? I mean, something happens that you don't see them, and you become content with life without them. You find that you are over them, your life is okay without them, you don't have a huge crush on them, you don't hate them anymore, or whatever your personal situation might be. Then all of that hard internal, emotional, psychological work goes right down the fucking drain. Did you actually do the work you thought you did or was it all just a cover that made you think you were working to get over/forget them when you were actually just suppressing them from your present mind. Don't you hate that? Then you (probably) have to go through the same process all over again because you know there was a reason that you haven't seen each other in a while, or maybe things will be different. Maybe things can be different.

Do you know that other time in your life when you are okay with someone you were not okay with before, but that person is still not okay with you? I do. I am being cordial and slowly trying to become friends without throwing my hands in the air and giving up because of the past.

Do you know those times in your life when you have to be supportive? I am presently helping Miki keep calm and keep her from freaking out about her recital tomorrow, and I'm blogging (I'm a good multi-tasking). If you know Miki and if you read this before then, you should come to her recital in Nunemaker at 7:30PM. It should be one of the best recitals of the season!

So for some reason I have not posted this video yet, and I have no idea why! This is Heidi Blickenstaff singing Scott Alan's "Behind These Walls" (sung by Kerry Ellis on the CD Keys: The Music of Scott Alan). This is dedicated to Miki Byrne because she loves this song just as much as I do, but she loves it sung by Heidi while I love Kerry's version. [Funny little side note: Miki's recital has a theme of song dedications.]

This is Vanessa Ray singing "Perfect" from Pasek & Paul's EDGES. This song is also dedicated to Miki Byrne because she sang this song at MTO's Love Underground. I do have to say Miki sounded so wonderful and was so into character that went she ran offstage crying (because that's what he character would do) she nearly wiped out!! Now that's dedication.

I know I've posted this already, so I'm just going to copy and paste it for you now. I just got another urge to listen to and post this again. It's too good to pass up. This is a performance by the Broadway cast of Hair singing "Let the Sunshine In" at the Defying Inequality: the Broadway Concert held at the Gershwin Theatre (where Wicked normally is performed). The soloist in the beginning is Gavin Creel, original Jimmy from Broadway's Thoroughly Modern Millie. Also, this is one of the beastliest (yes, I just said beastliest) and powerhouse belters that I have EVER heard!! In the words of Seth Rudetsky: "Ah-Mah-Zing!"


Sunday, March 22, 2009


Sorry about the lapse in blogging (again). It's been a VERY busy week, but I will spare you from those not so exciting stories. Also, I probably should be writing a couple of papers right now, but I'm not. So, on to the the point.

Expectations. We all have them. Some things live up our expectations and some don't. It's the balance of life. Expectations kind of played a big part of this weekend. First off, I figured that 
that person from out of town came back in town for a visit, that person would want to hang out at least for a bit.  Nope. At least, it doesn't seem that way. I don't think I sat in the same room with that person for more than 10 minutes, and when I did, he was a little "busy" on the other side of the room. Then later I clearly make myself available, and my plan fails. Of course, my thoughts go in many different ways. I sound like a jealous boyfriend. Way to kind of get ahead of yourself, Jody! W/e. I've pretty much given up on it. If that person wants to talk, they can make the first move. I'm done with it. I need someone new [weird, I just gave this advice to someone else like 5 minutes ago]. Someone near me and who wants to be with me. 

I went to Hannah's apartment not knowing what to expect. Maybe some awkward, some nostalgia. There was a bit of awkwardness, but only because I haven't reestablished a friendship with Kaleb. On the upside, Dani and I got things worked out. I'm so glad we did. I didn't think we really think we needed to work anything out, but only because I'm oblivious to anything that I'm not staring in the face. So my point is something good did come out that night because I didn't expect to be worked out.

I sang for Dody's recital earlier today, and the whole thing was pretty much amazing. I started thinking about my recital that will happen sometime in the next 2 years. I want mine to be as good but not as hectic in planing and making it work. I want something clever and simple and amazing. Again, I am getting ahead of myself. Sporadically, I will think of things to put into my recital(s). That way, I won't expect my recital to be perfect before I have a recital date and a set list of songs to sing.

The upside of expectations (again), are mainly the things that catch you by surprise because, of course, it doesn't give you a chance to expect anything. For example, I was "kidnapped" this afternoon by Monique, Naquin (aka Malibu), and Lance. It was such a great kidnapping. We walked and chilled at the Fly. So much fun! We also semi-planned to hang out next weekend. I can't wait for the Love Underground and PIE that is a year overdue!!

Also, Katie and I decided that we should watch a movie while we study, do homework, and do our laundry. What do we watch? HERCULES! Kind of random, right? Yes, but oh so good. Now we are watching Chicago, but unfortunately have to call it a night soon. A day of greatness (which just happened to include Orleans Room muffin tops!) must come to an end. 

My point? Expectations aren't always good. Sometime you get let down, but sometimes things can reach incredible heights when your expectations are reached. Also, sometimes surprises could be good, and sometime it can be bad. In the case of today, it was definitely good! 

Right now life is good. <4

I haven't been able to stop thinking about this song since I've found it on youtube earlier this week. This is Sutton Foster singing "More to the Story," a bonus track featured on the Shrek the Musical CD (that is release on Tuesday, March 24th!). This song really touches my heart. It has so much emotion and beautifully, talented singing (thank you Sutton) that could take down an professional football team.

This is Carly Jibson singing "Tod (The Phone Sex Song)." Just watch. It's pretty fucking hilarious.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Growth (I guess?)

Shit. I just looked at the time. I just missed 11:11. I kind of always do. I'm not sure why I try to follow the 11:11 trend. I guess it's just nice to wish for something. What is the point in your life if you can't wish for something? [One weird thing: I tend to look at my phone or at the time at exactly 9:11. It kind of happens a lot actually, but, thankfully, not everyday.]

So, I'm forcing myself to grow. I hung out with some friends I haven't hung out in awhile. It was very refreshing to be with them again, but hanging out with them brought back old feelings, unanswered questions, and a slight awkwardness. Because I want things to be somewhat "normal" again, I'm making myself grow: stop getting feelings for high school-ers or those under the age of 18, don't make a mess of the circle, stop being a huge slut, get my work done and just chill.

I'm pretty sure I mentioned this on my last blog post, but I still keep thinking of that guy that moved away. I'm trying to get over him, but I don't know that I can make it go away so easily. Growth is hard, but I don't really expect any less. It just complicates things a little more when I look forward to his visit home in March (I don't know if it already happened, if it's going to happen, if he changed his mind and decided not to come in). Also, I think about the time right before he moved he said he wanted me to visit him. I don't know how to get these things out of my head. I mean what's the reality of us being together when we live across the country from each other. I'm so crazy.

Katie asked me some random questions today that I really couldn't/didn't know how to answer. She asked who was my favorite Broadway performer. If you know me, I love LOTS of performers, but I needed to decide. I told her Sutton Foster with Kerry Butler as a close second. I youtube them looking for new videos almost everyday, sometimes multiple times a day. Yes, I realize this seems a little obsessive. No, I don't think I have a problem, so suck it! She also asked me who my favorite composer is. I had no (and still don't have any) idea(s) who could fight their way to the top of my list. As I am typing this, I'm thinking of other questions like this that I can't really give a definite answer to: favorite movie? favorite food? favorite musical? favorite song? I can't narrow it down to just 1. It's impossible! I mean look at all the videos that I post. I love them all. Then new stuff comes out every day. I hate to repeat myself, but "I can't narrow it down to just 1. It's impossible!"

I think about this all of the time, and I felt the need to do it again. Note to self: do the random fact game. It should be fun. 

Since I gave you a bunch of videos last time, I am only going to give you 2 or 3 this time. [It depends on my mood.]

This is Natalie Cortez singing "Nothing" from the revival of A Chorus Line (OBC). The info that youtube gave about the video says this was Natalie's last performance. This is probably one of my favorite songs/scenes from the show because, in addition to singing, it incorporates a great deal of acting and story telling. Such a great talent.

This video is features Brian d'Arcy James (as Shrek) singing "Who I'd Be" from Shrek the Musical. Towards the end of the song, Daniel Breaker (as Donkey) and Sutton Foster (as Princess Fiona [she can barely be seen because of the dark]) join in and create this beautiful, heart-warming trio. This is from the November 15th Broadway preview performance, so this should definitely be part of the final product of the show and seen 8 times a week (probably). This owner of this video doesn't allow for this video to be embedded, so you are just going to have to go to the website HERE or you can click the website link below:

Ok, so I'm feeling giving. This is Carly Jibson singing "I'm Not Pregnant" at Katie Thompson's Birdland in February. Carly has a knack for finding great songs that are extremely funny and fitting for her character-type. It's like the song was written for her. So funny and well-sung!


Monday, March 2, 2009


This is my attempt at a blog worthy of reading:

So catch up on lost time. Last weekend and part of the week was Mardi Gras. It was probably one of the best Mardi Gras's that I have ever had. I spent all of my time with my friends, some drinking, and chilling out. What a great a holiday.

Recently, I have been thinking of my title as "slut." For the most part, it's just a joke with my friends, but it's a joke created and exaggerated from the truth. Now, I've been thinking about this. I want to deviate from this slutty lifestyle and get a boyfriend.  I came came kind of close to finding someone I really liked, but we started getting somewhat close a couple weeks before he moved out of state. I think about him every once in a while and I wish that maybe he would have stayed or maybe... I don't know. I need someone to look forward to seeing everyday, someone to enjoy losing track of time with, someone to break out of my house to go see, someone to talk to about stuff (pointless to deep things), someone who I can be myself around (because I get shy around people I don't know), etc. Of course, I want him to get the same things from me. But at the same time, I don't think I want to give up my slutty style. That's where my experimentation and experience comes from. But I also can save that for the someone (if/when I find him). I don't know. I think I will just go with the flow.

And to tie into the theme of making a comeback: I need to get back into a show. [I kind of stretch it, but it still works.] I need to get into the whole process of a show: audition, new songs, lines, dances, tech week, performances, etc.

I thought I had more to talk about. I guess it's kind of late, and my brains a little tired from a long day and being sick. I think this was a slow comeback into blogging. [Yeah, I'm still trying to tie in the theme.]

This is the amazingly talented Kerry Butler singing "Fly Away" at the Defying Inequality: The Broadway Concert held that I mentioned in my last blog post. This is song was written for the new Catch Me if You Can musical that Kerry has been cast in. Towards the end of the song this Tony nominee (yeah, I had to plug that in) belts the ever-loving Buh-Jesus. It is so amazingly awesome. It sounds so challenging, but she pulls it off stunningly.

This is Sutton Foster and Megan McGinnis singing "Flight" (usually a solo, arranged into a duet by Michael Rafter) at the Barnes & Noble for the release of Sutton Foster's debut solo CD, Wish. This is probably my newest favorite song of all time. It is simple astounding. It is, dare I say it, PERFECTION!

This is Aaron Tveit singing Pasek & Paul's "Along the Way." I think it was either originally written for their song cycle, EDGES, or it is a new edition. Either way, it's pretty hilarious.

This is a video I randomly found while searching for Carly Jibson (center). She's fierce. This is "U Know U Want It" at THE BIG SHOW (some NYC cabaret show).


Sunday, March 1, 2009


I told myself today that I would blog, but for some reason, I fought even attempting it (part of it is because I am sick, and I don't want to do anything). Also, I have neglected the blog for a while. That is not normal and nor is it cool. Thankfully, tomorrow is a new day, and I PROMISE that I will blog about something legit. So here are a couple videos that are just gonna have to hold you over until then:

This is Alli Mauzey singing "Screw Loose" from Cry Baby the Musical. She is crazy, but she is also crazy talented. Listen to that belt! I do not understand why this closed on Broadway is the rest of the show was like this. Hot damn!

This is a performance by the Broadway cast of Hair singing "Let the Sunshine In" at the Defying Inequality: The Broadway Concert held at the Gershwin Theatre (where Wicked normally is performed). The soloist in the beginning is Gavin Creel, original Jimmy from Broadway's Thoroughly Modern Millie. Also, this is one of the beastliest (yes, I just said beastliest) and powerhouse belting casts that I have EVER heard!! In the words of Seth Rudetsky: "Ah-Mah-Zing!"
