Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Hello stranger. It's been awhile.

So I just got back from seeing the national touring cast of CATS. HERE is a link to a youtube video of a montage of the show of the cast that I saw tonight. Now CATS is one of those shows that either you love it or you hate it. My thought? I loved it. It's a hardcore show. It had some great talent. Most movies and shows with lots of dancing makes me want to be a dance, but CATS, on the other hand, didn't. Well, it did but not as much as the other things like the Fame movie remake or Center Stage. What it did do was make me want to become a part of a touring show. I miss the stage, and the dancing, and the large number of theatre people that I loved being around all the time. Being reminded of what I love is a great feeling. It's helps motivate me to do more, too. I haven't felt like this in a while. It feels so good. It's a nice change from my recently boring life of school and choir. So, my plan: try to incorporate more musical theatre into my life. Maybe this will help make MTO kick it up a notch this year.

OH! Btw, come see MTO's underground Halloween show on Friday at 9pm!

More to come later. Promise.

Even though one of them is only a draft blog that I'll probably never post, Happy 75th Blog, blog!

It's kind of eery how appropriate this is. This is "How Could I Ever Forget" from Broadway's Next to Normal. This is my favorite song from the show. So love it or die!


Monday, October 5, 2009

I hate Mondays

Maybe it's just today, but in general, Monday's suck. I know most would agree with me on this one.

My first class today was cancelled, so I was able to sleep an extra hour. I woke up feeling so good this morning. It was wonderful. I don't know why, but 2 people asked me if I was ok. I thought I was energized, feeling good and legitimately happy for once. Did I some how come off sad? upset? tired? Idk. I'm confused about what was up with that.

Then, I head to my first class of the day, Theory 3, which is usually enjoyable. Today, on the other hand, it was long, complicated, and extremely frustrating. [Btw, for those of you who are academically advanced, don't shove it in other people's faces and simultaneous prevent them from learning and understanding what the hell is going on. Think of it as a courtesy to others in the class, and we will give you the courtesy of not beating the hell out of you and making your life a living hell. :D ]

Then, my English class was cancelled because my professor didn't want to have class on his birthday. Love that guy. He also gave us out papers back. A C on the first paper isn't bad, especially when we can rewrite it. So we decided to take that free time to get lunch because rarely do I get the chance to eat lunch at a decent hour during the week. Then, of course, the Orleans Room (our version of a college cafeteria) was packed yet again.

Next was choir. Oh ho ho... Choir... So, my teacher/professor/choir director went out of town to work with some All-District High School Choir, which is cool since she is crazy talented. So because of this, she told the leaders of each section to hold sectional practices to get a certain very complicated piece into workable shape. So, about the Tenor sectional practice.... There are 2 guys, I pretty much have to help get through this piece. We'll call them T2A & T2B. T2A has a hard time because he is not musically inclined except in his natural ability to sing, which will hold him back a bit and will be something he will struggle with for a while (It's not his fault. Blame the high school Theory classes. Wait. What? No high school theory classes? Maybe that's the problem...?). T2B, on the other hand, just has some problems. I don't really know how to describe him. He kind of has an idea of things, but isn't extremely good at executing what he needs to do. I think I'm a generally well-rounded musician for my age, so they somewhat naturally lean on me for help, which I am fine with giving. BUT! T2A & T2B have stuck me in the middle because they don't like each other. T2A thinks T2B is weird, and T2B thinks T2A can't do anything because of his musical shortcomings. So, that made life a little stressful. Then the tenors and basses decided we would also have combination sectional. Bad idea. The basses are singing on words and are moving slow, and the tenors are counting singing (google it or ask a choir teacher) and moving faster. Then add the uncertainty of knowing your part completely and having others rely on you for help, and having all of the bass section expect you to be perfect. That does not make life easy. Then, of course, we have to have a complete rehearsal, with the Sopranos, Altos, Tenors, and Basses.... :/ The girls were somewhat impatiently waiting for us so that we could run through the song and leave. We ran through it twice, and you know what? We sounded fucking awesome! More so the second time, but that's not to worry about. The only thing I have to say about those 50 minutes of hell is that there shouldn't be so many leaders in one room (Thank God it was only for that 1 class!!), people need to calm down, and they respect others. Ok? Ok.

After choir, I went to the Westbank to get my flat tire fixed. Turns out that it can't be fixed, so they'd need to replace it. Fine. Cool. Do it. BUT! They didn't have my brand of tire, so I'd have to come back tomorrow. TOMORROW! That was the last thing that I wanted to hear, but you know what? I heard it, and I'm going back tomorrow. I'm skipping class to do it. Ha ha, so suck it!

Since then I have cooled off: I had dinner-date with Miki, Katie got me a delicious chocolate chip cookie (the key to my heart), watched and thoroughly enjoyed some Spongebob Square Pants with Katie and Miki <3,and I spent a good amount of time singing in the practice room. So I'm feeling better now.

It's been such a long day, and it's only 8:45PM! Gahh!! I'm chilling out for the rest of the night. I hope my venting didn't bother you too much, reader. Thanks for listening!

This is "Take A Bow" as seen in the new TV hit, Glee, sung by wonderfully talented (gah! such great acting) Lea Michele! The first few seconds are blank screen because that part of the song is not featured in the episode. Also, you should listen to the full version of her singing "Taking Chances" it is hands down my favorite song on the show so far. Find the whole version on Youtube because they only use about 45 seconds in the actual episode. Enjoy!

This is Josh Groban singing bits and pieces of various memorable TV theme songs at the 2009. My favorite is probably South Park. It's too funny!