The end of the summer before heading off to college is an eye opening experience, especially with the weekend I just had. So after the end of Pajama Game, I went to Allison's "College Kid's Going Away Party." It was a great party as always, props for Allison. Besides eating food and socializing, we played the "Happy Game" or as it is now known by a select few as the "Bug Juice" game. It is a game where 1 person sits in the middle of the circle and everyone tells the person good things about him/her. Great fun! I recommend it for your next party. But being in the middle of the circle and hearing those comments was a great experience. I learned things about myself that I never really noticed, like my awkward face. Thanks to all for the great comments. I love you all!
But before the "Happy/Bug Juice" game, there were paper and pens scattered around for people to write letters to the graduates going off to college in a short time. I did not write any because I'm not the greatest with words or with pen and paper. I am better with computers. So here are my letters in no particular order. Yes, I realize this is public, but you just gotta deal.
- Burton Himbert and Chris Alley - You guys are my best friends. I don't know what the fuck I am going to do with out you 2. The last 4 years have been great, even if we weren't the best of friends the whole time (sorry, I hated you, Chris). All I can say is that I wish you luck in wherever life takes you, Burt with your dentistry & Chris with whatever your major is right now. I love you guys.
- Erika Bisgaard- Seriously, I want to see some God-children. Just kidding. I will miss your wonderfully smart and witty comments and your caring, motherly attitude towards all of us in the group.
- Zach Frosch and Candace Rodriguez - I'm going to miss you 2 so much, especially seeing y'all looking so cute. Zach, I might come visit you, not just to see you but also because you live in New York. Candace, we have to party when you come back into town, so call me.
- Nick Bondio - I am going to miss your silly and crazy ass. You better come down every once in a while so we can party. I already told Tommy I would go up to Baton Rouge to visit. I better see you when I go.
- Garrett Napier - I am going to miss your bass-like mumbling, your constant hatred for Zach Rau and our congregations at your house. I have to say your house was obviously the place to be.
- Courtney Kattengell - Where do I begin? Can you believe it's been a little over a year? I wish I could have met you sooner. Nonetheless, I am glad to have met you. Our times together were all so fun and interesting. I hope you love and succeed at Marrymount Manhattan and New York. Be prepared to have a visit at least once from me. I'm still thinking Thanksgiving. If you ever get bored like you always do, feel free to send me a text. I miss those txt conversations. Good luck in New York! I can't wait to see you on Broadway!
- Blythe Reed - I'm not going to miss anything because I am probably going to see you everyday. You ready for that?
- David Joubert - I am going to miss our pointless fights about dungeons and melting rocks. I am really glad you are going to D.C. I know you will enjoy it. Soak up the politics because I will never talk politics with you. Sorry. But anyway...have fun!
- Dani Demontlezin- What can I say? You are a crazy bitch, and I am going to miss your random loud outbursts and our daily, late-night deep conversations. I am glad to be such good friends with you. I will miss you, but I doubt that I won't see you like every once in a while (meaning like every other weekend).
- Kyle Moffatt - So, like I told Nick just a minute ago, we have to hang when I come visit Baton Rouge. Deal? Deal. I'm glad that's settled.
- Cameron Ware - You are such an amazing dancer! I hope you continue to pursue dancing. I'm gonna miss my (probably only) black friend.
- Hayli Dupre - Best friend!! I'm sad we never got to become actual best friends. But since you aren't going very far, we still have the chance to become semi-real best friends. Call me when you aren't at Ooh-La-La, and I will spill my secrets.
- Bryce Turgeon - You are the funniest person I have ever metm and you are an awesome costumer too. Oh yea, and don't go into those woods!!!
- Charlotte Brown - Now that I won't see you everyday at rehearsals, I am going to have to find someone else who gives amazing massages.
- Emily Gootee - I am going to miss my #1 fan. We have to hang when you come back in town from big-time Vanderbilt.
To everyone I have just written above: I wish all of you the best of luck in whatever endeavors you may pursue, and I hope that we can all hang out again very soon.
Also,I received a few letters, which I really appreciate. I realize it is a little impersonal, but hey, what can you do? Here are my responses to the letters:
- Sarah Jackson - I don't know what "shit" you are talking about, but I am glad to have gone through it to be friends with you. You are such a great person, and I am so glad to have met you. I love you so much, but not in the creepy stalker kind of way. Btw, you are crazy talented. My mom even thinks so, so you should feel really special.
- Allison Tebbe - My numba 1!! I'm glad I am staying close too, so now we hang loads more! If ya need help with the drama club, call me. I will gladly stop by and visit and possibly led a hand.
- Tyler Ales - Your crying for me is enough love. I could not ask for more. I can't wait to see the DHS show in April! I will love and miss our rides from school to rehearsal. Hopefully, you will think of me when you are driving yourself to rehearsal and listening to your ipod.
- Kevin Marshall - Thank you for your kind words of wisdom. I will think about them I will definitely be doing shows around the city, and I hope that someday I will be doing another show with you.
- Chris Alley - I already wrote you towards the top of this blog, so that should be good enough.
- Rachel De Jonge - I am technically not going to miss you since I will probably see you every couple of days. I will also miss the bushes... our bushes. Oh, and don't worry. I don't think I will fall for Dody.
- Catherine Simpson - Aww.... I absolutely love your letter. All of those memories I actually remember, which is surprising because I usually forget a lot of things easily. For some reason I feel the need to give you a few words of advice. Continue in theater. You are an awesome singer and an amazingly gifted actresss. I know it's early, but break a leg at [insert DHS Spring Musical for 2009 here] auditions!!
- Dani Demontlezin - Oh, Dani. What can I say what I have not already said to you? I will miss our random venting sessions. If I need to vent, I hope that you will still let me vent to you or that you will at least read the venting on my blog. Oh btw, I do take pride in my ass.
I extremely appreciate everything that has led up to the few precious days before college: the shows, the fun times, the friends. I will miss it, but I won't forget it. I love you all!!!

jody, don't worry. i'll be calling. i can't wait!
omg jody ur gonna make me fucking cry
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