Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Metaphors for Christmas

I hope you can follow my metaphor for dating.
Apparently, I am a window shopper. There's no problem in looking around to see what's out there. I realized last night as I was out on the town having fun with my friends that I am tired of it. That is as far as I have been able to get to the items for sale. Also, I found that I've kind of been forced into window shopping. I have barely had enough time to window shop as I go from class to class, class to rehearsal, rehearsal to work, and work to my dorm room. School has kept my in this little bubble, ad the bubble has the smallest amount of window shopping. It's kind of ridiculous. So, it's winter break. I'm thinking of winter break as my metaphorical gift card to actually do some legit shopping. Hopefully, I'll find something that I like and works with/for me. [Hopefully, any part of this plan will actually pan out.]

Ok. Now for some Christmas ranting. It just turned Christmas Eve about 15 minutes ago. I did most of my necessary Christmas shopping on 2 days ago. Apparently, I am the only one in my household who has the time to go Christmas shopping because my gifts, the ones that I bought and wrapped myself, are the only ones under the tree. Even though a little part of me is disappointed, I'm not complaining that I won't have Christmas gifts. There are those out there who can't afford gifts for Christmas. Plus, that's not what Christmas is about (I'll come back to this in a bit). But since I'm in the mood, I'm going to bitch a little bit. How have I, the full-time music student who is plagued with classes and a part-time job, able to do my shopping, while my parents, who I KNOW have time in their schedules to think about me or the rest of our immediate family, haven't really done much other than work and be political socialites at Christmas parties? It blows my mind. Really. This is the conversation I had my my dad THIS afternoon TODAY:
Dad- "So what should I get your mom for Christmas?" Blah blah blah "She like Jean Therapy, right?"
Me- "Yeah. I guess."
Dad- "So what time are you getting up tomorrow?"
Me - "Probably noon. Why?"
Dad-"What time does the mall open?"
Me- "I don't know. Are you telling me I have to go back to the mall (also known as Hell) for you?"
The rest of the conversation isn't important.
Oh, and another thing. I have to sing (what I call work) Christmas Eve midnight mass and Christmas morning 11AM mass which throws off any Christmas family plans that were made. Work on Christmas day is going to make me about an hour late for Christmas lunch/dinner, and my family is full of fat and innerly-fat people. They won't wait on little old me. They have never waited on the others who were late. I asked my parents when we were going over to my grandparents house for our traditional Christmas Eve dinner and opening gifts family time. Their response was like this: "Oh. I don't know. Are we doing that? I thought we were spending quality-Jody time." Although, I'm glad they want to spend time with me, I'm not okay with breaking our traditional family time.

All of this shitty stress is bringing me down. Do you get why I have kind of lost my Christmas spirit? I just hope everything comes together, even if it is last minute. I hope that, in general, things get better. Life needs to be better. I'm on freaking winter break for God's sake! At least the one constant in my life right now is that my time spent with friends have been great. [I hope I didn't just jinx that.]

This is a clip of a bootleg that I found of a scene from [Title of Show] that I had never heard or seen before. My favorite part is the Sutton Foster cameo. Hilarious! Watch and enjoy!


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