This started off as just a little joke between friends. Go watch how spongebob says it. That's how we mean it when we say it.
Right now, it's totally different. Right now I need results. I need my body to stop putting up retarded barriers keeping me from where I need to be. Coming from a musician, this sounds stupid, but this is my whole life. My body is my instrument, and that is what makes the music. But right now, it's not allowing me to be where I need to or want to be. Depending on the point of view, the choice is different. In my view, I need it. Metaphorically speaking, I need all of this work I'm putting into beating Bowser to WORK(!!!) so that I save Princess Peach and win the game. I need to win something right now because I feel like I keep coming up to Bowser, losing, and starting all over to try to beat him again. I'm getting nowhere! God, Buddha, somebody, can you please give me something? I need it for my sanity. I need to know that I'm not wasting my time. I need to know that all of my work and effort going towards something. I need to know that I'm not wrong about my future and my life because if I am, then everything that defines who I am will all be a LIE. And THAT CANNOT HAPPEN, or I will come up there and put the hurt on somebody something fierce. You have not seen the wrath of Jody fucking Hinkley.
I need something: maybe some kind of growth, a sign saying I am doing the right thing and am heading the right way, something to tell me I'm not wasting my life away.
Also, would it be too much to ask that you don't shove other people's wonderful talents and successes in my face? I don't do it to you. I don't need to know that someone who doesn't show up to class half the time is doing better than me in that same class. I don't need other musicians' complicated performance-ready music blaring through the walls as I try to put together a song. That's like a couple rubbing their relationship and PDA's in their single friends' faces. Not cool. And I definitely don't need someone less experienced, less knowledgeable, less musical, and less musically emotional than me doing what I have been striving for and working on for more than 2 years. That would bring out the wrath of Jody fucking Hinkley. Don't blame me when that person ends up dead because I asked you nicely and you decided it wasn't good enough. It's your fault that person is dead or permanently injured in some way, shape or form. You only think I'm kidding...