Finals are done, which means I am finished with my first semester of college!!!! I'm going to skip over talking about them so as not to bore you with pointless details.
Yesterday (Thursday), as I'm sure everyone in south Louisiana could see and probably the rest of the U.S. ha heard, it snowed!! I'm not even kidding. It actually snowed in Hammond, Baton Rouge, and New Orleans. I think we got about 1-2 inches of snow. It's one of the only times I have ever been so genuinely excited about something so simple and ordinary, even though it's not ordinary here in New Orleans. I got up at like 8AM somewhat still hungover to look at it through my dorm window. That is how excited I was. Thursday was the 2nd time I had ever seen real snow. [The week before it was fake snow, aka Sneaux.] My first time seeing snow was Christmas Day 2004. That was a good day, but not as good as this time. What made Thursday even better was that I was almost done with my finals. I had none on Thursdays itself, so I chill carefree.
I think I'm going to take you through the events of my day Thursday:
I was woken up by Blythe and my mom, and saw snow. Went and played in the snow with Katie. We met up with Blythe after, and got lunch with practically everyone I could've asked to hang out with (Blythe, Katie, Casi, Simon, Miki, and Amy). After, we chilled in Miki and Casi's room. Then Amy and helped Miki with the mail, which was a lot more fun than I thought it would be. After, we walked with Katie to go meet up with her brother at Tulane (she was going home). We said goodbye to each other like 4 times, and we ended up chilling and waiting on her brother for like 2 hours, a little ridiculous, but lots of fun. So we said goodbye to Katie when her cab came, and we went back to Loyola. We chilled til like 7ish and ordered Chinese food for Grey's Anatomy night. So, the Saints game was on ABC, so we weren't able to watch Grey's. [I found out today that it wasn't a new episode, so it is totally ok now.] Also, the Chinese food delivery-guy got kind of lost. It took me 10-15 minutes to find him and get our food. So we ate, chilled, and watched TV. Oh! While all of this was going on, my neighbor across the hall from me got busted for pot. We watched it all through my door's peephole and the cracks of the door. That was probably the most eventful thing besides the snow. Later on, everyone left, and I went to bed. So all-in-all, Thursday was a damn fun, good, relaxing, chill day.
Today, I cleaned out half of my dorm room for the possibility of getting a roommate next semester. My room won't be the same again. If I get a roommate next semester, I hope he wants to be good friends because if he doesn't, he's gonna hate me for having my friends over at all hours everyday. Now, I'm home and all unpacked for the month that lies ahead. Somehow, my bedroom does not feel as homey as my dorm room. Odd. At least I have a comfy couch in my room to sleep on. Also, Whit (my brother), his girlfriend (Melissa) [I just had the sudden urge to call her my sister. I hope he proposes soon because she is a part of this family, and he just needs to make it official.], and I decorated the tree while my mom put the TV on a channel that played Christmas music and took pictures. Cute, I know. I have no idea where my dad was.
This is the scene from the movie "Enchanted" where Pip the chipmunk is trying to tell Prince Edward that Nathaniel has an evil scheme with Queen Narissa to get rid of Giselle. This is probably my most favorite scene from the movie. I love the little gestures and other things in this video. I can watch this video over and over and over again. Katie, Blythe, Casi, and I actually do. Haha. Our favorite line is "It's good!" Look for it. It's hilarious!!!